Each month, we award a startup grant of up to $2,500 to an entrepreneur (up to £2,000 for UK grants). So far, we’ve provided over $450,000 in funding to help young underrepresented entrepreneurs get closer to their business dreams.
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For Your Business
Get Support
Many entrepreneurs get their start by borrowing money from those around them. This kind of “friends and family” support works well for some, but at Sky’s the Limit, we know that plan doesn’t work for everyone. So, if your business needs more of a kickstart than your current circle can offer, we’re here to help broaden your friends and family network by connecting you with our community of donors who are looking to support young entrepreneurs like you!
how it works
Eligibility is relatively simple, in order to be eligible you must:
- Be based in the U.S or U.K.
- Be a full member with a completed profile on Sky’s the Limit.
To create your Funding Pitch, sign in to your profile and scroll to
the section that says “My Funding Pitch”.
You must fill out all sections of your Funding Pitch, including:
- A description of how you will use the funds
- A line-by-line budget not to exceed $2,500, or £2,000 for UK grants
- A 1-2 minute pitch video which should include the following:
An Introduction:
Tell us your name, where you are from, and your business name.
Your Elevator Pitch: Give us a short description of your business, who it services, why you started it, and anything compelling or unique about your project.
How Funding will Help:
Explain how funding will further your business goals and take your business to the next step.
Keep it Short and Friendly: Your videos should be between 1-2 minutes long and conversational in nature.
Upload the Video to YouTube. If you don’t want other people to find it, mark it as unlisted. (Please don’t mark it as private or disallow embedding, or we won’t be able to see it.)
If you include music or photos in your video, you will need to obtain the rights to include it.
A pitch cover photo that represents your business or business idea.
Get Boosts
Whoever has the most boosts at the end of each month will win a grant
of up to $2,500/£2,000.
You collect boosts from other members.
Members can boost one another 1x a day. We encourage you to meet other members and ask them if they’d like to support your campaign.
Ready to make a meaningful impact in just 1-2 hours a month?
Start exploring the platform today to learn more about how our digital marketing services can help your business grow and succeed online.