Getting Started

How to Create SMART Goals and Strategize

This project guide helps two Sky’s the Limit members work together through four meetings as they collaborate to create SMART goals.
Meeting 1: Set goals

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • SMART goals are 

    • Specific

    • Measurable

    • Attainable

    • Relevant and 

    • Time-bound

  • Brainstorm all the goals you have for your business now and for the future. 

  • Use the SMART Goals section of the Mentoring Meeting Guide to record your three most important goals.

After this meeting:

  • Review the goals you created with your mentor, friends, or family.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 2: Plan

Before this meeting:

  • Review the SMART Goals your recorded in your last meeting

In this meeting:

  • How you can break down your larger goals into smaller, more specific actions?

  • Determine if you need additional resources, people, or tools to accomplish those smaller goals. 

  • Talk about anything that might get in the way of you accomplishing your goal. What can you do now to try to overcome those obstacles?

After this meeting:

  • Share your goals with another member of Sky’s the Limit and ask for feedback.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 3: Act and track

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • Repeat the mantra “Done is better than perfect” and then brainstorm how you can start to work on at least one of your goals now. 

  1. It may help to use the 5Cs of Problem Solving to guide this conversation.

After this meeting:

  • Put your plan in action and begin working toward your goals. Make sure to note any success and challenges you have along the way.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 4: Reflect and learn

Before this meeting:

  • Review your notes from each of your previous meetings for this project.

In this meeting:

  • Reflect on your experience:

    • What went as planned? 

    • What did not go as planned? 

    • Will you continue to work on these?

    • Is it time to revise your plan and/or set new goals?

After this meeting:

  • Share your accomplishments and experience with anyone you trust to provide you with helpful feedback and encouragement to help you stay motivated.

  • Be sure to mark your project complete, update your business tracker, and start a new project!

Want to talk to someone who can help?

Sky’s the Limit members are connected to a community of volunteer business mentors, more free tools and guides like this one, and exclusive funding opportunities.