Getting Started

How to Start a Social Enterprise

This project guide helps two Sky’s the Limit members work together through four meetings as they collaborate to start a social enterprise

Meeting 1: Define Social Entrepreneurship

Before this meeting:

In this meeting discuss or brainstorm...

  • Your business idea

  • Your personal passion

  • The purpose of your enterprise

After this meeting:

  • Google it. Try to find other businesses that are doing something  similar to what you would like to do. How are they structured? 


Meeting 2: Discuss business activities, goals, motivations

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • Complete the Understanding Your Why Worksheet prior to or during your meeting. 

  • Discuss your personal why as well as the purpose of the enterprise. 

  • Discuss the type and scale of impact you hope to have, and brainstorm ways you can you start testing your idea.

After this meeting:

  • Get feedback. Talk to potential customers or clients about your idea and document their feedback.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 3: Discuss pros & cons of social entrepreneurship

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • Talk through each of the relevant business entities in the articles. 

  • Which ones sound most like what you are trying to accomplish? 

  • Discuss  the pros and cons to your business for each of your top options. 

  • Be sure to think about how you will generate revenue, what your governance structure will need to be, and any funding implications.

After this meeting:

  • Sleep on it. This is a big decision with legal and funding consequences. Make sure you feel good about your final decision.  


Meeting 4: Identify next steps for chosen business type

Before this meeting:

  • Review your meeting notes from last time.

In this meeting:

  • Based on the state or country you’re in and the entity you’ve chosen for your business, prepare to apply for that type of legal business structure.

  • Go through the application together and create a list of what information you will need to gather before you apply. 

After this meeting:

Want to talk to someone who can help?

Sky’s the Limit members are connected to a community of volunteer business mentors, more free tools and guides like this one, and exclusive funding opportunities.