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Success Stories

Taylore C. Evans
About my business
Phoenix | AZ
FOUNDER, For the Optimystic, LLC
My Mentors
Business milestones achieved
Business mentoring story
Taylore is learning that her passion is what makes her special
When Taylore Evans was working her first job at a bank, she was frustrated that her coworkers were advancing more quickly than she was. She asked her manager for feedback, and he told her that although she was doing a good job, she wasn’t “professional” enough for the bank environment. Since this was Taylore’s first corporate job, she didn’t have experience in professionalism. She realized that many people that the bank hired were in a similar situation as she was. Instead of becoming discouraged, she went home and researched best practices for professionalism in the workplace and created a PowerPoint presentation about how to behave professionally and move up in the company. The presentation was soon used to train her entire floor. It was then that she realized how much potential she had and that she was capable of so much more.
Investing in her gifts
Taylore took that initiative into her own business as a spiritual guidance coach. For The Optimystic blends tarot, oracle, and other spiritual practices in order to examine the “clients’ intuitive, emotional and subconscious nature and pinpoint areas of improvement.” As the coach, Taylore’s job is to create “a well constructed, custom resource and review guide filled with esoteric exercise, knowledge and tools in fields such as astrology, mystical self healing practices, plant medicines and many others.”
Connecting with resources
There have been times when Taylore’s passion has gotten in the way of her business’s success. “I'm a super passionate person. It's hard to balance that, “ she says. In trying to get For The Optimystic off the ground, she has had a couple business partners who didn’t work out, and now she is committed to doing it on her own. That’s where Sky’s the Limit fits in. It’s the right kind of partner for Taylore.
“I came across it at 2 a.m. and signed up, and was like YES, this is a cool resource.”
She has connected with a couple volunteers, especially Brian Higgins, Accenture Senior Manager, and Swati Chakraborty, Business and Integration Manager, who reached out to Taylore and made a big difference in her confidence: “I love Swati. I have this connection with her. She found me. It's helped me believe in myself a lot more.”
Swati feels that their connection is special because Taylore is special. “She’s got the human touch. That’s the secret sauce.”
Gaining momentum
With Sky’s the Limit, Swati, and Brian on her side, Taylore has been moving forward. She had her first customer and is working on For The Optimystic’s website. Her goal is to have the site fully functional so she can start turning a profit soon. She can be sure that her Sky’s the Limit family will be behind her all the way.
“I feel so supported and so blessed. I was telling Swati that it really means a lot that there's someone reaching out and being consistent. It keeps me motivated and on track. It's changed the way I look at myself on a business level.”

“I feel so supported and so blessed. I was telling [my mentor] Swati that it really means a lot that there's someone reaching out and being consistent. It keeps me motivated and on track. It's changed the way I look at myself on a business level.”
Taylore C. Evans

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